Offer online booking for vast range of rooms and/or restaurants :
- Define the database of accommodation you need
- Have direct access to chains, hotel, BnB, vacation rental…
- Add hotels you’ve directly contracted yourself
Tailored Database
1. Access Reservit to select chains, groups and independent hotels in our client database (10,000 hotels).
2. Access Pegasus to select the biggest international chains and hotels.
3. Access Reservit Restaurant to select the chains and restaurants in our client database.
4. Choose the functionality you want: Integrate HTML pages into your distribution website, or install an XML interface to your distribution system.
5. Hotel contracting module lets you add to the availability database, access even more rates, and the diversity of your offer.
6. Restaurant contracting module lets you add new establishments to the availability database.
Advanced content via the platform
1. Search hotels profiles and bookings
2. Search maps via Google Maps
3. Mobile bookings
4. See lists of alternatives when an hotels is unavailable
5. Work on a commission and/or negotiated price basis
6. Block certain pricing plans to show only preselected pricing
7. Partner modules for configuring special access
8. Call-center module for the distributor’s booking agent
9. Booking-confirmation emails
Monitoring & tracking activity
1. Extract the bookings file for business analysis
2. Extract customer records for communication campaigns
3. Extract booking ledgers to manage billing
4. Monitor the look-to-book ratio to measure the effectiveness of the website marketing strategy